ProTherm Advantage™ is our exclusive maintenance program designed to prevent down-time, ensure safe operation and quickly troubleshoot problems that may arise.
ProTherm Advantage™ includes:
Natural gas is not a fuel to be taken for granted. Protect your assets and, more importantly, your people.
Fuel Savings
Maintaining a well-tuned burner just makes good sense with the rising cost of energy. We offer regular combustion analysis and control calibration on your equipment.
Reliability and Reduced Downtime
Downtime costs you money. Employee wages and productivity are lost when you have to shut down unexpectedly. Scheduled burner service if far more efficient in the long run.
Spare Parts Inventory
We provide a spare parts inventory program to minimize the cost and disruption of unforeseen downtime. This is especially important for hard-to-get parts whether the system is new or older.
Equipment Repair Cost
Major damage to equipment can usually be prevented or reduced significantly with regular maintenance.
It is illegal for anyone that does not have an appropriate gas filter license to service the combustion burner and its associated controls. Having documentation that a qualified service technician services your equipment protects your company.
Improve the Environment
Inefficient combustion produces excessive emissions including toxic gasses such as NOx, CO2 and CO. Ensuring that your equipment is properly calibrated helps save the environment and saves you money.
It’s The Law
Ensuring that your natural gas fired equipment is maintained in a safe operating condition is a requirement of the Ontario Gas Code. It has been our experience that, depending on the operating environment, an appliance should be services, including verifying that all of the safeties work, at least once per year
Contact ProTherm for more information on how you can benefit from our ProTherm Advantage™ program.